2023-2024 MIHS PTSA Grant Awards

Grant Requestor

Grant Title

Grant Description

Grant Amount

Katy Johnson

Take What You Need

Provide basic needs and supplies for marginalized students including toiletries and non-perishable food.


Daniela Melgar

Author Georgia Hunter plus Holocaust/Anit-Semitism Education

Possible assembly (or two smaller PAC presentations) with Georgia Hunter author of We Were the Lucky Ones, a true story of Georgia's ancestors and their survival of the Holocaust.


Katy Ramsey

ASL Interpretation for Fall Musical

Funding for a professional ASL interpreter for 2 Friday performances of MIHS fall musical to provide inclusivity.


Erica Hill

Gender Awareness Education and Staff Training

Develop a partnership with author Aidan Key to provide gender awareness through 1) staff training, 2) gender education for students through a series of PAC presentations, 3) gender education for parents. Pilot at MIHS and replicate across district if successful.


Christine Kenyon

Counseling Center Spirit Squad Fund

Treats and decor to help make the Counseling Center an inviting place for students.


Annalise Rockow

Jazz Choir

Fund/partially fund teacher time for before school Jazz Choir.


Annalise Rockow

Choir Coaching

Vocal coach to work with choir students.


James Robertson & Joe Bryant for the NYT subscription

New York Times and Wall Street Journal subscriptions

Site licenses for New York Times and Wall Street Journal and subscription to Economist to provide access to these periodicals to all MIHS students.


Jennifer McLellan

Young Entrepreneurs Competition

As part of a DECA entry, MIHS students have developed a business plan competition for local student entrepreneurs. Cash prizes will be awarded to top 5 winners - this encourages more participation and competitiveness.


Daniela Melgar

Commedia dell'Arte workshop

Physical work/instruction with Jessica Stepka, trained theater professional for Drama 2 students


Katy Ramsey

Dance Choreographer for Fall Musical

Mimi Katano (Artistic Director of Youth Theater NW) to choreograph dances for the production of Spamalot.


Daniel Kiely

Supplemental Collection Development Funds

Additional funds needed for the library to maintain a robust print collection. Will augment library collection, book clubs and lit circle assignments.


Jennifer McLellan

MIHS Jazz Symposium Music Consultants

Six music consultants to provide rehearsal/instruction to 80+ jazz band students. Provides exposure to exceptional professionals to students in small and large group rehearsals.


Jennifer McLellan

Guest Artist for Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Bands

Guest artist for MIHS clinics and then shared performance concerts at Triple Door in Seattle.


Larry Bencivengo

Interactive Protein Folding Kits

Two class sets of interactive Protein Folding kits for Biology.


Patricia Weston

Field trip to geologic site

Earth and Space Science class field trip to Discovery Park during low tide shows glacial deposits and the offset on the Seattle fault. Provides valuable hands-on education.


Jennifer McLellan

Concert Band Intensive Artist-in-Residence, Conductor 1 and 2

Two artists-in-residence conductors for Concert Band Intensive January 4-6, 2024.


Jennifer McLellan

Eastshore Band 1 Festival

On March 6, 2024 MIHS Concert Band will host neighboring schools for this festival. This will fund professional/college level artist-in-residence conductors on site for instruction, adjudication, and clinic work with students.


Jennifer McLellan

Concert Band Intensive Guest Artist - Westerflies

Concert Band Intensive January 4-6, 2024 - visiting artist ensemble group, The Westerlies to perform for and work with individual students, ensembles, etc. as artist-in-residence professionals.


Annalise Rockow

Choir Retreat

To hire and bring a clinician and a pianist to attend their retreat and work with 31 choir students







Senior Class Information

  • Events, Activities & Deadlines
  • Senior Hoodies
  • Cap/Gown 
  • Yearbook submissions
  • Grad Yard Sign 
  • Graduation Leis 
  • Baccalaureate
  • Senior Photo Fest
  • Grad Night Party

and much more....

Check out the Senior Page

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  • College Application Process
  • College Connection Resources
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Parent Education

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