Teacher Funds
$200 per full time teacher
$7,000 line item under Outreach in MIHS PTSA budget
Full-time teachers at the high school (about 50 individuals) may submit receipts up to $200 to be reimbursed from our PTSA budget. These “Teacher Funds” are intended for the benefit of teachers and their classrooms and can be used at their discretion.
- Teachers may pool their funds together for something they intend to share. They can also voluntarily choose to pull their funds together to send one person to a training who will pass on what they learn to the group.
- If a teacher wants to purchase or attend something that costs in excess of $200, they can contact the VP Outreach and request reimbursement for the overage in the event that there are unused funds at the end of the school year. The VP Outreach and Treasurer can evaluate those decisions on a case-by-case basis.
- Teachers with financial requests significantly over $200 should be encouraged to apply for the Universal Enrichment Grants which are given out every fall by us, the MIHS Parent Teacher Student Association, in partnership with the Mercer Island PTA Council. If needs come up after the deadline, requests should be made to the board.
- Teachers should be encouraged to spend their money and not wait until the end of the year.
- Teachers should turn in receipts immediately.
- Teachers should complete a request for reimbursement, staple it to their receipt(s), and place it in the PTSA treasurers’ box in the mail area of the high school. The VP Outreach will approve the expense.
- All reimbursement requests should be turned in by the second Friday in June to provide ample time for treasurers to process them before the last day of school.
- Unused monies from this line item after the second Friday in June may either be used to reimburse teachers beyond their $200 allowance and/or be used by the Staff Appreciation Chair to stock the mini-kitchen or purchase other foods/gifts for the staff.
Upcoming Events
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- Wednesday, June 11
MIHS News and Info
Senior Class Information
- Events, Activities & Deadlines
- Senior Hoodies
- Cap/Gown
- Yearbook submissions
- Grad Yard Sign
- Graduation Leis
- Baccalaureate
- Senior Photo Fest
- Grad Night Party
and much more....
College Prep Information
- Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
- College Application Process
- College Connection Resources
- MIHS College Counseling & more!
Parent Education
Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.