Grant Application & Info
Mercer Island Schools Universal Enrichment Grant Application
PURPOSE: The overarching goal of the new Universal Enrichment Grant process is to get the greatest amount of allocated donor dollars – given to both the Mercer Island Schools Foundation (MISF) and to the MIHS PTSA – into your classroom and working for students by supporting innovative projects and creative curricular ideas as easily and quickly as possible.
PROCESS: Our MIHS PTSA and the MI Schools Foundation work together using a Universal Enrichment Grant Application form in order to streamline the process for teachers and Principals when applying for funding. Anyone requesting funds from PTSA and/or the MISF will complete only one application. All grant applications forwarded from your school will be read, processed and sorted. The grant application will then be processed and you will be notified by the organization (PTSA, MISF or the School District) best qualified and able to fund the project
DEADLINE: October 13, 2023. After the deadline, additional grant requests are given on a case by case basis.
Instructions for Application
Complete the Universal Grant Application and turn in the hard copy to MIHS principal, Nick Wold by October 13, 2023, for consideration. A member PTSA Grants Committee or a Program Committee member for the Foundation will pick up grant applications the following Friday.
Because grant funding is a dynamic process additional grant funding opportunities may become available at each school or from the Foundation during the school year, as funding becomes available. Funding for projects that begin in early September, or that have been regularly funded by the PTSA or the Foundation, should be so noted on the application. Grant funding may occur at times outside the calendar below.
Fall 2023 Grant Calendar Timing
- Complete Universal Grant Application
- October 13 – Deadline for grant submission to MIHS Principal
- Week of October 16 - Principals review and prioritize applications
- Week of October 23 - MISF Grant Reps and PTSA reps schedule a meeting with principals prior to stakeholder meeting with MISD, if feasible
- Names of MISF reps at each school are being finalized now and will be shared soon. Please encourage your PTA grants rep to coordinate with their counterpart from MISF so everyone is on the same page in terms of which group will fund each grant.
- Week of October 30 - Stakeholder meeting with MISF rep, PTA rep, and MISD admin
- Each school will have its own meeting slot with MISD admin
- November 19 - MISF Board meeting to present/approve grants
- November 13 - MISD assigns grant numbers to grants for reference/billing
- Week of November 27 - MISF / PTSA reps announce grant awards to recipients
Previous MIHS PTSA Grant Award Recipients
2023-2024 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2022-2023 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2021-2022 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2020-2021 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2019-2020 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2018-2019 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2017-2018 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2016-2017 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2015-2016 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2014-2015 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2013-2014 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
2012-2013 MIHS PTSA Grant Recipients
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