A very important source of information for Junior Parents is the MIHS Counseling Center newsletter. Make sure you read through it every month!
Highlights of information the Counseling Newsletter contains:
- College Fairs and Events information
- SAT/ACT Information
- Testing Accommodation Information
- Running Start Information and deadlines
- Scholarship Information
- AP Exam Information
- Summer School information
- Class Registration information
- Senior Class Graduation Preparation Information
Juniors - This is the year to:
- Determine if you need to take the SAT/ACT and/or prepare for SAT/ACT
- Utilize Naviance career assessments to research potential careers. Additionally, get some hands on experience with job shadowing, volunteering, summer jobs or summer programs.
- Determine what is most important to you in selecting a college/university/post-secondary program.
- Develop a list of schools/programs that interest you.
- Visit college campuses
- Identify and ask teachers for recommendations: Do no wait until the last minute to ask! Teachers need 20 days notice to write a recommendation.
- Start working on your college essays. Summer is a great time to construct and polish your essays. View the Common Application 2022-2023 essay questions.
- Talk to your parents about a plan to pay for college.
Presentations and Other Resources
Organize Our Thinking - Executive Function (power point presentation)
Video Link: 2023 Surviving Senior Year Seminar
Video Link: 2022 Surviving Senior Year Seminar
Video Link: Surviving Senior Year 2020 Webinar
Survival Guide to Senior Year (powerpoint presentation)
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, April 1
- Thursday, April 3
- Wednesday, April 9
- Tuesday, May 27
- Saturday, May 31
- Tuesday, June 3
- Wednesday, June 4
- Sunday, June 8
MIHS News and Info
Senior Class Information
- Events, Activities & Deadlines
- Senior Hoodies
- Cap/Gown
- Yearbook submissions
- Grad Yard Sign
- Graduation Leis
- Baccalaureate
- Senior Photo Fest
- Grad Night Party
and much more....
College Prep Information
- Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
- College Application Process
- College Connection Resources
- MIHS College Counseling & more!
Parent Education
Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.