MIHS 101 (continued)

8th Edition, August 2024
Created by: Mercer Island High School Parent Teacher Association
Contact: VP Outreach for more info outreach@mihsptsa.org


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Daily Schedule

The daily class schedule can be found here. Most days, school runs from 8:00am-3:05pm. On Wednesdays is late start; classes on Wednesdays are 8:45am-2:55pm. Following is additional information related to the schedule.


Block Days Instead of attending all classes, on Tuesdays, students attend periods 1, 3, 5 and 7 for 90 minutes each. On Wednesdays, students attend periods 2, 4, Islander Hour and period 6.

There are two lunch periods, Lunch A and Lunch B. Note, Lunch B occurs in the middle of 4th period on Wednesdays.


Food is purchased in the Commons by inputting one’s student ID number. Add funds to your student’s lunch account through Qmlativ (Skyward). Click on the Food Service icon. In the upper right corner, click on the link: Add Funds to Food Service Account through RevTrak. If you don't already have one, you will need to create a RevTrak account.


Campus is closed for all freshmen. They may not leave school grounds during lunch.


“The Commons” is the area in between the gym and the school library. It is easily accessed from the outdoor amphitheater. Students gather here before school, during lunch and in off periods. Typically, freshmen sit in the “lower commons” on the west side nearest the gym. Sophomores sit just east of them in the western edge of the “upper commons” (1/2 floor up). Moving eastward you find the juniors gathered, followed by the seniors who stake out their tables on the far east end near the library.

Block Classes These are English and history classes that are taught in conjunction with one another and held one after the other.
Islander Hour This is a period, once a week, for business and grade level learning outside of normal class instruction. See course catalog for more info.
Off Period Not all students take 7 classes. An off period can be any time during the day. Note: outer doors are locked after 1st period begins so students must enter through the main entrance if they begin after 1st period.
Connections This is time for students to touch base with teachers or staff as needed.
Absences Click here to review the school attendance policy. For pre-arranged absences (eg. extra-curricular activities outside of class, religious events, college visits) students must complete and turn in a form called a WHAMMO. This form requires a parent signature.
Scheduled Weather Make Up Days These are for making up classes canceled earlier in the year due to snow or power outages. If no previous class days were canceled, no classes are held on scheduled make up days.
Finals Weeks MIHS is on a semester system. Finals are held in late January and in June. Check the school website for a special schedule those weeks.
Graduation Commencement takes place before the official last day of school. Seniors do not attend the last week of classes.


Campus & Parking

For security reasons, a campus map is not available online. Hard copies can be obtained from the school office. Speaking of security, parents and other visitors should always check in with the main office before coming on campus.


Places of note around MIHS include: Outdoor Amphitheater (down the steps in front of building), Commons, Large Gym, Small Gym, Performing Arts Center (PAC), Library, Courtyard, Tennis Courts, Stadium, a practice field east of the stadium and a practice field adjacent to Northwood Elementary.


There are also multiple parking lots, but extremely limited parking. Visitors must park in marked stalls only! Seniors with permits are given spots in the C lot and Northwood lot. Others may park on 88th Ave SE, known as “The Strip.” Parking exceptions are made on the days when PTSA meetings are held. Allow ample time to park away from campus and walk.



Crest is an MIHS program located at the Crest Learning Center, west of main campus and near the district office. Students apply to attend. The program is designed to provide an alternate pathway to graduation that offers individual support and project-based learning.


Additional Resources & Other FYI

  • 1 to 1 Laptop Program & other Technology Info – every student is issued an iPad
  • Tutoring – provided by MIHS staff before and after school and funded by the PTSA
  • College & Career Readiness (CCR) and Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses – required for graduation; see Course Catalog for more info
  • WANIC (WA Network for Innovative Careers) - provides quality, diverse, and cost-effective career and technical education for all students through inter-district cooperation
  • Running Start – a way to take college classes while in high school
  • Mock SAT & ACT tests – a way for students to practice for the real thing and a fundraiser for senior activities
  • Naviance – college, career and life readiness platform used mostly by seniors

Student Activities

The best way for kids to get involved and make friends is to participate in extracurricular activities such as:

Students are also encouraged to attend special events such as:

  • Homecoming (assembly, parade and football game)
  • Homecoming Dance
  • All Island Band Night (special halftime performance at the football game)
  • Winter Formal 
  • Fine Arts Showcase (featuring music and visual art) 
  • Drama Performances – winter and spring

A word about school dances:  Tickets can be purchased at school or at the door. Students do not have to attend in pairs; many attend in groups. Non-MIHS students must complete a guest pass application to attend.


Parent Activities

The best way for parents to get involved and meet friends is to volunteer! Join the booster club of your child’s chosen activity. Help out at events like Curriculum Night and Fine Arts Showcase. Collect tickets at Parent Edge lectures, help out on picture days, assist at MISF and MIYFS fundraisers. Prepare food for staff appreciation events or donate snacks to stock the staff lounge mini-kitchen. Contact outreach@mihsptsa.org to get started today! 

Senior Class Information

  • Events, Activities & Deadlines
  • Senior Hoodies
  • Cap/Gown 
  • Yearbook submissions
  • Grad Yard Sign 
  • Graduation Leis 
  • Baccalaureate
  • Senior Photo Fest
  • Grad Night Party

and much more....

Check out the Senior Page

College Prep Information

  • Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
  • College Application Process
  • College Connection Resources
  • MIHS College Counseling & more!

Parent Education

Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.

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