MIHS News - April 25, 2021

4/25/2021 11:09 am

What’s New This Week!


MI Drama Boosters Presents: The Theory of Relativity

Streaming Online May 13-15 & 20-22 at 7pm and May 15 & 22 at 2pm

From Drama Desk Award nominees Neil Bartram and Brian Hill (The Story of My Life), The Theory of Relativity is a joyous and moving look about our surprisingly interconnected lives.  Whether you’re allergic to cats, in love for the first or tenth time, a child of divorce, a germaphobe or simply a unique individual, audience members and actors alike are sure to find themselves in this fresh new musical. Through a seemingly unrelated collection of songs, scenes and monologues, The Theory of Relativity introduces a compelling array of characters experiencing the joys and heartbreaks, the liaisons and losses, the inevitability and the wonder of human connection. 


Join the students of the MIHS Drama Department, sponsored by the Mercer Island Drama Boosters as they present a show about distance and connection. Click here to buy tickets.


General admission is $10, and students grades K-12 are $5. Proceeds will go to the MISD Drama Boosters, who are sponsoring this show. If you feel compelled to donate more money to the Boosters, please go to their website and follow their donation links.

Congratulations to all the 2020-2021 MIHS Reflections Contest Winners & Honorees!

Music Composition
First place – Nathan Paek 
Second place – Andrew Yeh 
Second place – Elena Lill 
Second place – Ava Yeh 
Second place – Sidh Shroff
Second place – Noelle Paek


First place – Jingyi Yang


First place – Thomas Dinh
Second place – Hannah Stone
Third place – Jingyi Yang


Visual Arts
First place – Rio Kemmotsu
Second place – Jingyi Yang
Third place – Jinghan Zhang
Honorable Mention – Kaisa Olson 


Dance Choregraphy 
First place – Sasha Nelson
All the District first places advanced to State level. 

Congratulations to Jingyi Yang who received the State Award of Merit in Literature.

Congratulations and best of luck to Nathan Paek who won the State Outstanding Interpretation in Music Composition for his piece entitled Weltgeist, and who is now moving to the National Level.

The results for National Level will be announced on May 1st.

Thank You, Volunteers!

The PTSA Executive Committee would like to thank our amazing Student Appreciation Chair, Amy Fujishige, for assembling 1,200 keychain hand sanitizers complete with a sweet message of encouragement to MIHS students returning to school for hybrid learning. 


A special shout out to all the volunteers who worked diligently to safely distribute masks and hand sanitizers to all Pod A and Pod B students on Friday April 16 and Tuesday April 20!

PTSA News and Announcements

Graduate Grams – a Wonderful Mercer Island Tradition!

It’s time to order your 5th grader, 8th grader or graduating Senior a Grad Gram, a 30-year Mercer Island community tradition!  Each Grad Gram is personalized, printed on parchment paper and mailed on your behalf to the student’s home.  Anyone can order a Grad Gram to send a congratulatory message to their deserving graduates.


Proceeds from Grad Grams sales supports the Mercer Island Community Scholarship Program which is run by the MI PTA Council. This annual scholarship program honors graduating MIHS seniors that are identified by MIHS teaching staff.  To raise funds for the scholarships, Grad Grams are sold to the community at large. 


Students love receiving these personalized certificates from family and friends. Each Grad Gram is $6 – order yours today!

Now Accepting Applications for the Nancy Schaps Memorial Grant

Since 1996, the Schaps Family has funded grants that recognize a Mercer Island child who has suffered the death of a parent or who is currently experiencing the terminal illness of a parent. The Grant also includes Mercer Island children who have a parent serving on active duty with the military. The Grant award of up to $500 will be given to an elementary, middle, or high school student to be used for an activity or other purpose that will aid a child or youth’s adjustment to this difficult life change. For more information, please visit the Nancy Schaps Memorial Grant via MI PTA Council.

PTA Council Awards

It’s Time to Recognize Those Amazing Individuals and Organizations That Have Served the Students and Families of MISD!
MI PTA Council Awards Nominations due: Monday, May 3rd

Each year, the Mercer Island PTA Council recognizes outstanding volunteers and educators (including committees, departments, or programs) whose creativity, innovation, dedication, and hard work make a difference for Mercer Island Schools and our students. These awards are meant to reward those individuals or groups who stand out among all of the great volunteers at the local and district level. Awards may be given for outstanding work during this school year or for a person’s continuing dedication and service throughout his or her tenure with the Mercer Island Schools.


To nominate an individual or group for a MI PTA Council Award, visit the MI PTA Council Awards webpage. The Awards presented are:


1. MI PTA Council Golden Acorn AwardPresented to a volunteer in recognition of his/her dedication and service to children and youth. It is to recognize volunteer service “above and beyond” a particular job description.

2. MI PTA Council Outstanding Service AwardPresented to a volunteer who works for children and youth beyond the bounds of a job, PTA, or a specific school community. This honor goes to a person who has shown concern for all children and who has volunteered his/her time to help them achieve their potential.

3. MI PTA Council Outstanding Educator AwardRecognizes an educator who goes beyond the normal expectations of their jobs to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging.

4. MI PTA Council Outstanding Advocate AwardRecognizes and honors an individual for their advocacy work on behalf of children and youth.

5. MI PTA Council Honorary Life MembershipRecognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to a PTA at the local unit, council, or state level.

6. MI PTA Council Community PartnerRecognizes a local Mercer Island business or organization that goes above and beyond standard expectations to help and facilitate local units — as well as helps build a cooperative relationship between students, schools, and community.

7. MI PTA Council Children’s Advocate AwardRecognizes individuals or programs that go above and beyond the scope of their job or expectations to serve Mercer Island students.

8. MI PTA Council Outstanding Program: Honors a program designed and implemented to serve the school community or community at large.

MI PTA Council Award nominations are due by Monday, May 3rd.

Community Service Awards

The MIHS Community Service Awards Program is organized by the MIHS Counseling Center in partnership with the MIHS PTSA. This is an award that any Senior or Junior may apply for and it’s based on community service hours performed throughout the student’s high school career beginning the first day of 9th grade.  Community service hours are voluntary and NOT a requirement to graduate from MIHS. Seniors who submit volunteer hours and are eligible for an award will be recognized with a Community Service pin.  Juniors eligible for an award will be placed on a list for recognition next year when those students are Seniors.


Freshmen and Sophomores can accumulate and keep records of their volunteer hours but should not submit until their Junior or Senior year


Please note: due to the impact of the pandemic, adjustments are being made to the award levels to account for the fact that volunteer opportunities have been limited.

  • Gold level – 195 hours
  • Silver level – 135 hours
  • Bronze level – 90 hours

More information is available on the MIHS PTSA website.  Detailed instructions and the timesheet used to submit hours can be found on the Counseling Department webpage here.  Seniors are encouraged to submit their volunteer hours by April 30.

Presidents Letter

Dear MIHS Families,


It’s time to recognize our amazing MIHS teachers, staff, and volunteers! Each year the MIHS PTSA seeks out nominations to recognize outstanding volunteers and educators (including committees, departments, or programs) whose creativity, innovation, dedication, and hard work make a difference for MIHS and our students. These awards are meant to reward those individuals or groups who have gone above and beyond in their efforts.


To nominate an individual(s) for a MIHS PTSA award, please complete the Nomination Form HERE. Nominations are due May 14th.


MIHS PTSA Award Categories: 

  • Golden Acorn Award: Presented to an outstanding MIHS PTSA volunteer who has demonstrated exemplary volunteerism and service to the MIHS PTSA for at least 2 years. Their volunteer service also generally extends into the community in addition to their service through PTSA and the school environment.
  • Outstanding Educator: Presented to an outstanding staff member or administrator at MIHS who has made significant contributions and efforts to enhance the educational outcomes of the students at MIHS. An educator may be defined as a teacher, assistant, specialist, support staff or administrator.
  • Senior Volunteer Service Award: Established in 2019 to recognize graduating senior parents (last child at MIHS) for their service for the entire period their children were in MISD.
  • Volunteer Service Award: Given to an individual who contributed exceptional volunteer service for children, the PTA organization or the school community during the past years.
  • Outstanding Community Partner: The Community Partner award recognizes a local Island business or organization that goes above and beyond standard expectations to help and facilitate the work and mission of MIHS PTSA, including helping to build a cooperative relationship between students, schools, and community.
  • Outstanding Advocate:  In 2004, the Washington State PTA established the Outstanding Advocate Award, a new statewide volunteer recognition program to recognize and honor individuals for their advocacy work on behalf of children and youth. This award can be given by a PTA unit, council, or region. 

MIPTA Council is also currently accepting nominations for awards at the District level.  To nominate someone for a MIPTA Council Award, visit the MI PTA Council Awards webpage. Nominations for PTA Council Awards are due May 3rd.


Speaking of awards and appreciation…May 3rd – 7th is National Staff Appreciation Week. Our Staff Appreciation co-chairs have come up with great ways to celebrate our teachers and staff during the week. They are still collecting donations to help make this week a special one. If you’d like to help by donating items please sign up HERE


AP exams are just around the corner (May 3rd – 7th) and, once again, MIHS students will need to take AP exams from home. There are a few exceptions. Please find the AP exam schedules HERE. This is a time of stress and anxiety for many of our students. If you and your student need additional social and emotional resources you can find further information on our website HERE.


Join the students of the MIHS Drama Department, sponsored by the Mercer Island Drama Boosters as they present “The Theory of Relativity”, a show about distance and connection. To find more information on dates, times and where to purchase tickets to stream this musical from home click HERE.


Congratulations to the MIHS students who competed in the Washington HOSA State Leadership Conference! HOSA is a career and technical student organization for students planning to pursue health professions. 7 MIHS students placed in the top 10 in their categories. Students finishing in the top three in their category qualify for the international leadership conference to be held virtually in June.


We are so proud of all of the MIHS participants in the 2020-2021 PTSA Reflections Contest. Congratulations on your outstanding entries! Winners at the District and State Level are announced in this week’s newsletter – make sure to take a peek!  State level winners who received an “Outstanding Interpretation” award at the State level will move on to compete at the National Awards level.


Don’t forget the MI Schools Foundation’s first annual “Spring For Schools” showcase and auction is tonight at 7:00pm! Enjoy this fun-filled family event in the comfort of your own home and learn about the amazing things happening in our schools this year.  More information and registration can be found HERE.


Go Islanders!

Debbie Burke & Stacy Nakata
MIHS PTSA Co-Presidents


Schedule this Week

This week is the Hybrid Learning Schedule.

Senior Slideshow – Pictures Needed

Hello Senior parents,


I’m Noah Hendelman, ASB President.  We’re in the process of putting together the Senior Slideshow. Thank you to those of you who have already submitted photos of your students.


For those who have not yet, there is still time! But you must act quickly! We want to get as many students as possible; please email your photos to noahendelman816@hotmail.com.


Please include:

  • One elementary school photo of your student
  • A current photo of them solo
  • A current group photo of them with MIHS friends

Thank you so much for your help with this project. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


Go MI!


MISD Student Presentations

Listening Session: Underrepresented Voices
Wednesday, April 28 | 6:00-7:30pm


Hosted by JUST Students (Justice and Understanding Support Team)


All of our students and families matter to us and we are hoping to learn more about the experiences, hopes, and concerns of our underrepresented community members as we learn and grow together as a school community. 


As part of this discussion, we would like to invite you to participate in affinity breakout rooms to discuss your experiences and share them with Islander Middle School so we can learn more and serve you and your family better. 


We recognize that there is tremendous overlap between these different affinity groups– you can move between them or choose whichever feels like the best fit in the moment.  What matters to you is what matters to us.  An RSVP is not required but can help us in our planning process. 


Possible affinity groups:

  • Black/African-American
  • Asian American/ Pacific Islander
  • Latinx/Hispanic
  • Mixed Race
  • Queer/Trans/Polyamorous
  • Disabled
  • Non-dominant religions (eg Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, etc.) 
  • Spanish language
  • Mandarin language
  • Korean language
  • Family member of an underrepresented person (for example, a white parent of a child of color)

Bias and Microaggressions: Combating everyday racism
Thursday, April 29


Hosted by Education Coalition for Asian American Representation (MIHS club) and JUST Students (IMS club)


Join us in a student-led interactive and educational experience about bias, specifically towards Asian Americans. Attendees will learn how to combat bias and participate in open discussions pertaining to students’ everyday experiences. With the recent growth of AAPI targeted hate, it is more important than ever to be aware of bias and to be willing to engage in important conversations about it. Click here for more information


Please RSVP here — you will receive a Zoom link on the day of the event 

Mercer Trade Inc. Online Store

Hi Islanders! As we safely return to school, Mercer Trade Inc, a senior run company through MIHS has created two products that are a must have! Buy one of our spirited MI hand sanitizers that can connect to your child’s backpack, or a Mercer Island notepad perfect for on the go notes, grocery lists, or just about anything. Check it out yourself and purchase these products at https://www.mercertrade.com/ 

Grab and Go Meals

Grab and Go Meal pick up sites are back outside. Islander Middle School pick-up site is located outside of the main office entrance. This is a walk up site. Mercer Island High School pick-up site is located at the west driveway entrance of the school, between the grass field and the building. This is a drive-through location but walk ups are also welcome! Check out the school district’s Food Services webpage for more information.


Community Opportunities*

First Annual MISF Spring for Schools Showcase & Auction


Sunday, April 25, 2021 | 7pm
Cozy up in your fancy sweatpants, get comfy on your couch, and join our host, KING5 TV news anchor and MIHS alumnus Steve Bunin, for an exciting evening unlike anything the Mercer Island Schools Foundation has done before! The event will be streamed LIVE to you in your own home. This fun-filled program will highlight the amazing things happening in our schools this year, and demonstrate how your gifts to the MI Schools Foundation make a significant impact!


This is a FAMILY EVENT, and admission is FREE! Everyone is invited… students, teachers, parents, grandparents, and community members!


The Auction portion of the event will open a week prior to the Showcase on April 19th. You’ll be able to bid on many fabulous auction packages, including vacations and dinners, and also some very special items only available from our Mercer Island schools.


Please register in advance for the event and auction, or click get more information.

MIYFS Healthy Youth Initiative offerings 

Mercer Island Health Youth Initiative would like to offer Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training at no cost to members of the community. MHFA provides adults with the skills to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Click here for more information about the training.

KCLS Presents – College Application Series in Mandarin

King County Library is hosting three programs for Mandarin-speaking families to help prepare for the college application process. The first event is for students in 7th-10th grade and their parents; the second two programs are directed at students in 10th and 11th grade and their parents.  The programs will be presented in Mandarin with slides in English. 


All three parts of the series, March 31, April 21, and May 26 – College Application Series in Mandarin  (click into each event for more info and registration) 


You can click into any of the events and find out more about the presenter. Please register to get a Zoom link.

Ergon Student Exchange

Host an Italian exchange student and give your child a friend to share life with


“I am grateful that our family had Giacomo here during this pandemic. He has brought us joy, fun, and laughter.” (Fawn, former host mother)


Hosting an exchange student can be an enriching experience for your family, even during remote learning. And now there are reasons for hope, with mass vaccination speeding up in the United States. Beatrice, Cecilia, Sofia, Marco, Ludovica, Matteo, Jacopo… share this hope and look forward to their dream coming true of their exchange in the United States and experience living with an American family for a semester or full year. They are strongly motivated, responsible, respectful students, and carry a $2 million insurance covering Covid-related expenses. They are all tested for Covid before departure. 


Ergon devotes great care to selecting students and matching them with host families. Many of our MI families share lasting friendships with their students. Click here to read a testimonial from Mercer Island mom Jayme Witman.


In the summer of 2022, the Italian family will offer your child a direct exposure to Italian culture through an all-expenses paid vacation. Ergon sponsors the flight! 


To learn more, visit www.ergon-se.org and e-mail  info@ergon-se.org. Thank you!

MIYFS Newsletter Relaunched

MIYFS has relaunched its newsletter; it will continue as the MIYFS Monthlyin 2021. You can find great community information and resources in this newsletter. Click here for the initial newsletter and to sign up for the monthly email.



*Mercer Island High School PTSA (MIHS PTSA) and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities or organizations announced in these flyers or websites.  The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the district and MIHS PTSA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities.  Permission to distribute this information and or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the MIHS PTSA.  These are neither school district nor MIHS PTSA sponsored activities.


For additional news, please click on What’s New on our website, where you can scroll through all of our news posts.


Senior Class Information

  • Events, Activities & Deadlines
  • Senior Hoodies
  • Cap/Gown 
  • Yearbook submissions
  • Grad Yard Sign 
  • Graduation Leis 
  • Baccalaureate
  • Senior Photo Fest
  • Grad Night Party

and much more....

Check out the Senior Page

College Prep Information

  • Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
  • College Application Process
  • College Connection Resources
  • MIHS College Counseling & more!

Parent Education

Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.

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