MIHS News – March 21, 2021

3/21/2021 2:09 pm

What’s New This Week!

Schedule this Week

This week is the NEW Hybrid Learning Schedule.

Mercer Trade Group Inc – Back on Campus Videos

A Day in the Life of an MIHS Hybrid Learning Student




PTSA News and Announcements

Parent Edge

Parent Edge Needs You!

Do you enjoy Parent Edge programs? Are you curious about trends in parenting, education and supporting our youth? Do you want to share your ideas & talents? WE NEED YOU!


Join us for an Information Session to learn about opportunities to get involved with the MI Parent Edge board!


MI Parent Edge Information Sessions
Tuesday, March 30 – 7pm
Wednesday, March 31 – 10:30am


We are looking for Mercer Island parents to join the Parent Edge Content and Marketing Teams.  Join us for one of the virtual information sessions to learn more and ask questions. Visit the Parent Edge website for details on the board roles and responsibilities.
Register for Info Session

Community Service Awards

The MIHS Community Service Awards Program is organized by the MIHS Counseling Center in partnership with the MIHS PTSA. This is an award that any Senior or Junior may apply for and it’s based on community service hours performed throughout the student’s high school career beginning the first day of 9th grade.  Community service hours are voluntary and NOT a requirement to graduate from MIHS. Seniors who submit volunteer hours and are eligible for an award will be recognized with a Community Service pin.  Juniors eligible for an award will be placed on a list for recognition next year when those students are Seniors.


Freshmen and Sophomores can accumulate and keep records of their volunteer hours but should not submit until their Junior or Senior year


Please note: due to the impact of the pandemic, adjustments are being made to the award levels to account for the fact that volunteer opportunities have been limited.

  • Gold level – 195 hours
  • Silver level – 135 hours
  • Bronze level – 90 hours

More information is available on the MIHS PTSA website.  Detailed instructions and the timesheet used to submit hours can be found on the Counseling Department webpage here.  Seniors are encouraged to submit their volunteer hours by April 30.

Staff Appreciation News

Mock SAT/ACT Tests

Over the course of the school year, MIHS PTSA provides 6 testing opportunities as a chance to practice a real test, become familiar with a testing environment, and help identify which testing platform is best for each individual student. All this in a ‘Mock’ situation where tests are not recorded or submitted to any high school or college organization. This is a perfect chance to ‘try out’ these tests.


Note: the final Mock test for the current school year is an ACT on Saturday, April 3.

Register and/or learn more about the PTSA sponsored Mock SAT/ACT tests.

Presidents Letter

Dear MIHS Families,


We hope you all are managing to stay healthy and are feeling hopeful with the recent changes in the CDC’s guidelines. The high school is looking forward to welcoming 9th and 12th grade students back to school in a hybrid learning model tomorrow and 10th/11th grades back on April 15th. We added a Hybrid Learning tab to our PTSA website (Thank you to IMS PTSA for this fantastic idea!).  You can find updated information and helpful links to resources for schedules, transportation, and more.


As our teachers have been preparing to return to the school for in person learning starting tomorrow – our amazing PTSA team has been behind the scenes to offer support.  A very special thank you to our Staff Appreciation Chairs – Jennifer Selby and Irene Geisner you are ROCK STARS!  We are so thankful for you and for ALL of the wonderful volunteers who have donated snacks and food, stuffed goodie bags, written notes of appreciation, and made deliveries to MIHS.  Here is what they have been up to this past week:

  • Provided 139 gourmet Homegrown boxed lunches to staff members who returned to the building over three different days for technology training, staff training, and getting their classrooms set up.  
  • Provided all staff members with custom MIHS masks for their return, including thank you note stickers on each individually wrapped mask.
  • Prepared a supply of grab and go snacks for the teachers for this entire coming week.  

Did you know that the “Mercer Inc Trade Group” students created videos about the importance of following health and safety guidelines, and a “day in the life” of a HS student returning back to school?  Take a look: Following Coronavirus Guidelines at MIHS and A Day in the Life of an MIHS Hybrid Learning Student.  Also, MI Cross Country started off their season 2-0 after the guys and girls teams both beat Interlake and Bellevue! Their last dual meet will be March 24th at Luther Burbank. 


Please mark your calendars for the MI Schools Foundation’s first annual “Spring For Schools” showcase and auction on Sunday, April 25 at 7:00pm.  KING5 TV news anchor and MIHS alumnus Steve Bunin will MC this exciting evening, and the event will be streamed to you in your own home. This fun-filled program is a family event this year, and will highlight the amazing things happening in our schools this year.  Sign up and tune in for FREE, and see how your donations make a significant impact in our district’s schools! More information and registration can be found HERE.


With our state moving into Phase 3, our teachers eligible for vaccinations, and the CDC’s recent 3 foot announcement, we are grateful to be moving in a forward direction. We know everyone is in a different situation and will need to make the best decisions for their own health and safety and that of their families. Please know our district administration is working to ensure everyone’s needs are considered and met.

We’d like to say thank you to our teachers, administrators and staff for working so hard to get our students back into their classrooms now and into next year.   We appreciate their dedication and determination to provide a quality education even in these difficult conditions. 


Go Islanders!

Debbie Burke & Stacy Nakata
MIHS PTSA Co-President


Grab and Go Meals

Grab and Go Meal pick up sites are back outside. 


Islander Middle School pick-up site is located outside of the main office entrance. This is a walk up site. Mercer Island High School pick-up site is located at the west driveway entrance of the school, between the grass field and the building. This is a drive-through location but walk ups are also welcome!


Grab & Go Meals, provided by the MISD Food Services department, offer lunch for all children 1-18 and breakfast for the next day. Two locations are available for pick-up between 11:30am-1:00pm Monday through Friday. Meals are provided at no cost, thanks to a USDA nationwide waiver. 


Please complete this form to pre-order meals for your student(s)This form needs to be submitted by 9 a.m. the day of pick up.

Pick Up Times and Locations:


Mercer Island High School
9100 SE 42nd St.
Pick Up: 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


Islander Middle School
7447 84th Ave S.E.
Pick Up: 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Check out the school district’s Food Services webpage for more information.

Principal’s Video

Please watch Principal Walter Kelly’s latest video message, which includes information about freshman orientation on March 15 and 16 in preparation for hybrid learning schedules to begin March 22; parking deadlines; athletics; honors for 21 DECA students qualifying for the international conference; all-NW and all-state music, band, choir and orchestra honors; and the ongoing work to address racism at MIHS.



Counseling Department Newsletter

The MIHS Counseling Department’s March newsletter is now available on the Counseling website. (Newsletters are posted on the left-hand side of the page.) This month’s newsletter covers information about important dates and deadlines, WANIC courses, Running Start, SAT/ACT information, testing accommodations, scholarship information, summer school information, the district’s language proficiency assessment, upcoming events and programs, and student wellness resources. Please visit the counseling website each month for the newest edition of our newsletter or to view previous editions.

From the Student Group On Race Relations and Black Student Union

Hate crimes targeting Asian-Americans and their communities have soared due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Between March and September of 2020, there were 2,500 official reports. Click here for a document with:

  • links to articles about incidents of hate crimes against Asian-Americans;
  • resources if you need to report a hate crime/discrimination; and
  • articles about the complex history of and discrimination against Asian-Americans.

Information for Seniors and Senior Families

Pictures needed for Senior Slideshow

Attention fabulous Parents of Seniors!


The season of preparations for Senior Graduation Festivities has officially begun.

As they start putting together the traditional Senior SlideShow, the ASB Senior Officers need your help gathering pictures of your children. 


What is the Senior SlideShow?

The Senior SlideShow is an ambitious visual production that is traditionally shown to Seniors during the final assembly. It emcompasses highlights of the students’ experience during their years at MIHS. It also aims to offer snapshots of our kids through their younger years, when they navigated -often together- elementary and middle school. The goal is to include every single one of our 375 Seniors.


What do I need to do?

Please submit 1 to 7 photos (high-resolution as much as possible) to the email below. Photos should ideally include:

  • One or two individual photos of your kid during their K-5 years and/or high school.
  • The others should be group photos picturing wonderful moments through their Mercer Island school years. Examples include sporting events, plays, dance, clubs, music performances, class parties or simply casual hang outs. 
  • Group photos should be candid, fun, sweet and appropriate please!  
  • Not all the pics submitted will be used. 
  • If possible, in the body of the email please include the names of all the kids appearing in the photos you are submitting.

Where do I send my pics?

Please submit your fabulous photos to: MIHS2021seniors@hotmail.com


When is this due?

As soon as you can please! Deadline is April 10th. 


On behalf of the ASB Senior Officers, a heartfelt thank-you in advance for your contribution to the Senior SlideShow. 


“The tassel is worth the hassle.”

Seeking Student Speakers for Baccalaureate

What is a Baccalaureate service?  Baccalaureate is an interfaith service that many consider the most moving and emotional aspect of all the senior activities.  Both a service of gratitude – for relationships, for learning, and for transformation – and a service of reflection, Baccalaureate is, at its heart, an expression of love and community among students and families, and an opportunity to bless seniors on their way.


When is Baccalaureate?  June 6 at 2:00 pm.


Who hosts the Baccalaureate service?  The Mercer Island Clergy Association hosts the service.  This year it will be held at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 8501 SE 40th St.


How can students get involved?

  • Speakers:  we want to give voice to the faith lives of our community and want to hear from students of every faith practiced in our senior class!  We encourage anyone interested in speaking to submit a self-nomination by ​March 31​.  Include your name and a short statement reflecting on your religion’s shared values, i.e. the Golden Rule.  
  • Musicians & performers:  we encourage anyone interested in performing to also email details.  Ensembles, soloists, wind, brass, vocals, spoken word are all welcome.
  • Artists:  please submit art for the program cover.  The theme is “The Hill We Climb”.
  • MC:  we are also looking for students interested in introducing speakers and performers.  The service is student led.  If interested in this role, please send an email.

All nominations should be emailed to julieduffie@msn.com by ​March 31.

MIHS Drill Team

2021-2022 MIHS Drill Team Tryouts – Save the Dates!

Tryouts: March 29th – April 1st (Tues – Thurs), 4-6pm

Contact Coach Kyle Mosler with questions.



Community Opportunities*

$5,000 Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship 

The Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship honors the life and work of Dr. Dunham, a 1960 graduate of Mercer Island High School and the mother of President Barack Obama. Scholarships will be awarded this spring to female-identifying seniors from Mercer Island High School and Rainier Beach High School. If you’re in good academic standing and have demonstrated leadership in social justice and community issues please apply! Financial need will also be considered. Application deadline is April 18th, 2021. To apply for the scholarship, please click here.


If you have questions or need help with the application, please contact Edna Bravo Sawyer at ESawyer@starbucks.com. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Ergon Student Exchange

Host an Italian exchange student and give your child a friend to share life with


“I am grateful that our family had Giacomo here during this pandemic. He has brought us joy, fun, and laughter.” (Fawn, former host mother)


Hosting an exchange student can be an enriching experience for your family, even during remote learning. And now there are reasons for hope, with mass vaccination speeding up in the United States. Beatrice, Cecilia, Sofia, Marco, Ludovica, Matteo, Jacopo… share this hope and look forward to their dream coming true of their exchange in the United States and experience living with an American family for a semester or full year. They are strongly motivated, responsible, respectful students, and carry a $2 million insurance covering Covid-related expenses. They are all tested for Covid before departure. 


Ergon devotes great care to selecting students and matching them with host families. Many of our MI families share lasting friendships with their students. Click here to read a testimonial from Mercer Island mom Jayme Witman.


In the summer of 2022, the Italian family will offer your child a direct exposure to Italian culture through an all-expenses paid vacation. Ergon sponsors the flight! 


To learn more, visit www.ergon-se.org and e-mail  info@ergon-se.org. Thank you!

MIYFS Newsletter Relaunched

MIYFS has relaunched its newsletter; it will continue as the MIYFS Monthlyin 2021. You can find great community information and resources in this newsletter. Click here for the initial newsletter and to sign up for the monthly email.



*Mercer Island High School PTSA (MIHS PTSA) and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities or organizations announced in these flyers or websites.  The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the district and MIHS PTSA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities.  Permission to distribute this information and or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the MIHS PTSA.  These are neither school district nor MIHS PTSA sponsored activities.


For additional news, please click on What’s New on our website, where you can scroll through all of our news posts.


Senior Class Information

  • Events, Activities & Deadlines
  • Senior Hoodies
  • Cap/Gown 
  • Yearbook submissions
  • Grad Yard Sign 
  • Graduation Leis 
  • Baccalaureate
  • Senior Photo Fest
  • Grad Night Party

and much more....

Check out the Senior Page

College Prep Information

  • Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
  • College Application Process
  • College Connection Resources
  • MIHS College Counseling & more!

Parent Education

Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.

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