MIHS News – October 18 – November 1, 2020
10/25/2020 7:38 pm
PTSA News and Announcements
PTA Reflections Art Contest
Does your student enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? If so, they can join us and have fun unleashing their inner artist with PTA Reflections!
The theme for the 2020-2021 program year is “I Matter Because…” Students submit their completed works of art in one, or all, of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
Deadline for submission: Monday, November 30, 2020
All submissions (including Visual Arts pieces) will be electronic this year. For guidelines and instructions on how to submit your artwork, please go to https://mihsptsa.org/activities/fine-arts/reflections-art-contest/
For questions, please email reflections@miptacouncil.org and reflections@mihsptsa.org.
The MIHS PTSA is looking for a Reflections Chair! The Reflections chair will collaborate with the Outreach Team and will be responsible to collect the students’ artwork and coordinate the submissions with the MI PTA Council. For more information and to apply for this position, please email outreach@mihsptsa.org.
Staff Appreciation
Parent Edge
Rosetta Lee: Diversity Speaker and Trainer
During this important time of the social justice movements in our country and especially in light of the recent incidents at MIHS, we are excited to bring Diversity Speaker and trainer, Rosetta Lee, back to Mercer Island for two conversations with our community.
- 4:30-6:00 pm. What I Said and What I Meant: Understanding Cross-Cultural Communications (appropriate for adults and MIHS students)
- 7:00-8:30 pm Navigating Microaggressions (appropriate for adults and IMS and MIHS students)
Please note: The programs are appropriate for parents of children of all ages and as noted on each program, middle and/or high school students are encouraged to engage in this conversation too! Click here for more details and to register.
Mock SAT/ACT Tests
Over the course of the school year, MIHS PTSA provides 6 testing opportunities as a chance to practice a real test, become familiar with a testing environment, and help identify which testing platform is best for each individual student. All this in a ‘Mock’ situation where tests are not recorded or submitted to any high school or college organization. This is a perfect chance to ‘try out’ these tests.
Register and/or learn more about the PTSA sponsored Mock SAT/ACT tests.
Information for MIHS Seniors and Senior Families
Senior Picture Day Make Ups
If your student did not attend photo day on Monday, October 5th, they may attend a photo session on one October 26th. Here is a map to show your student where to go.
You have the option to purchase additional photos from Dorian. Click here for instructions.
Yearbook Senior Portraits Due Monday, December 7, 2020
Custom senior portraits are optional. The MIHS yearbook staff will use the school ID photo if they do not receive a senior portrait submission from you. Instructions for uploading your photo are located here.Email miseniorportrait2021@gmail.com with questions.
Yearbook Grad Ads Due Monday, January 4, 2021
Senior grad ads are optional. They are personal pictures and reflections by you or other family members regarding graduating seniors. Ads can include a student, a team, a club, or any collection of students to celebrate graduation from MIHS. Instructions for submitting your Grad Ad request are located here. Contact mihsyearbook2021@gmail.com with questions.
NEW! PTSA Presidents Newsletter
Dear MIHS Families:
We hope this letter finds you enjoying our October PNW sunshine!
MIHS strives to foster a school community that celebrates diverse cultures and addresses issues of equity and inclusion. To that end, we are happy to announce four strong and capable MIHS parents who will share the role of DEI Chairperson within the MIHS PTSA. Please welcome Lauren Leahy, Kelly John-Lewis, Eunyoung Kim, and Sandy Sun.
In this virtual learning environment, it’s important to stay connected and as informed as possible. One very helpful source of information is the MIHS Fall 2020 Weekly Updates page that can be found here. You can also visit the MIHS website or your parent/Schoology account for even more information.
This weekend, nine delegates (seven parents and two students) attended via Zoom the Washington State PTA (WSPTA) Legislative Assembly. During this meeting the WSPTA worked to determine its advocacy priorities heading into the upcoming legislative session. Our delegates represented all of us and voted for the issues most important to our community.
Tomorrow, Monday, 10/26 is picture day at the high school for Juniors. They are scheduled based on their Islander Hour classes. Any 9th, 10th, & 12th graders who did not get their photos taken yet may also go anytime between 12:30-4:30pm that same day.
And lastly, one of our amazing community partners, the Mercer Island Schools Foundation is hosting a phone-a-thon, Oct 26 & 27th, calling Mercer Island residents as part of its fall fundraising campaign. Every year for two nights, local parents, community leaders, business owners, administrators and teachers call parents of every child in our district to ask for their investment in their child’s education. The annual Phone-a-thon is an MI tradition and is aiming to raise $321,500 this fall. Please answer their calls and donate if you can! You can also donate here.
On that note, the Mercer Island Schools Foundation is still looking for volunteers to help make those important calls. If you would like to help out please contact Tammy Shoop at (206) 300-2237 no later than Monday morning.
Have a great week. Go Islanders!
Debbie Burke & Stacy Nakata
MIHS PTSA Co-Presidents
Counseling Department
Click here to read the Counseling Department’s October newsletter. This newsletter has important information for all grade levels and covers information about the post-secondary application process, upcoming events, Advanced Placement (AP) test registration, PSAT information, ideas for practicing self-care, and so much more! Please check the website each month for important updates and information.
The Counseling Department would also like to highlight an amazing opportunity for students to access college representatives from around the country. The NACAC Virtual College Fairs are hosting over 600 colleges and universities for each session listed below. Students of all ages (and families) are able to meet with college representatives and get their questions answered. Access the College Fair here.
Remaining Dates:
- Sunday, November 8th from 11:00 AM-7:00 PM PDT
Picture Days
MIHS Picture Days: Juniors October 26, Monday, 12:30-4:30pm. These pictures are required for student ID cards. This is the final day for picture make-ups for grades 9, 10, 12 anytime between 12:30-4:30pm
Click here to see detailed instructions Juniors. If your student was not able to attend their designated picture day, they can make it up during the designated time slot at the end of the day (3:50-4:30pm).
AP Exam Orders
If your student is enrolled in an AP class or plans to take an AP exam, October 30th is an important MIHS Deadline for AP exam orders. After this date, late order fees apply.
- Please watch this informational video to learn more about MIHS AP Exam Registration and Payment:https://prezi.com/v/nfzw0qpj-5qn/
Contact Debbie Hanson at debbie.hanson@mercerislandschools.org with any questions, anytime!
Virtual Enrichment Classes With 6crickets
Mercer Island School District has partnered with 6crickets to curate specialized virtual classes from quality providers throughout the nation on a variety of topics including engineering, robotics, debate, math, fitness, dance, music, entrepreneurship, science, theatre, and world languages. Register now at: bit.ly/EnrichMISD. For any questions, please use the help button and online chat at the portal or reach out to support@6crickets.com.
Grab and Go Meals
Check out the school district’s Food Services webpage for more information.
Community Opportunities*
Mercer Island Schools Foundation Phone-a-thon
Obviously, A LOT has changed this year… but our MI schools still need our support, and the annual MISF Phone-A-Thon will still be happening! For two nights, local parents, community leaders, business owners, administrators and teachers will be calling parents of every child in our schools to ask for their investment in their child’s education. We need MANY volunteers to make this happen, and we would like to ask for your help.
Phone-A-Thon will look a little different this year. Volunteers will be making calls from their own homes over the course of two days, Monday October 26th – Tuesday October 27th. Prior to these dates, every volunteer will receive a packet containing full instructions and a list of approximately 40 names to call. Packets will be available to pick up at the MISD Admin Building starting on Friday 10/23. MISF Staff will be available to offer additional help and answer questions LIVE online both evenings, and via phone during the days. Our goal is to raise $321,500 before the end of the year to fully fund the MISD Fall 2020 Funding Priorities list. Together, we will be raising funds to advance academic achievement, connect students to their futures, support students who learn differently, and promote teacher professional development. If you can help, please sign up NOW at this link.
SJCC 8th and 9th Grade Programs
The Stroum Jewish Community Center is currently recruiting for our Rosh Hodesh and Shevet groups! Rosh Hodesh is for 8th and 9th grade females and Shevet is a group for 8th grade males. This program creates a small, safe group experience within our community and inspires teens to openly explore the fundamental questions of identity and society. The groups meet twice a month and, through the guidance of a trained mentor, connect relevant teen content with enduring Jewish values—all while encouraging a good time and fostering new friendships.
NEW! Halloween 2020 at The Lakes
For decades, the 100 homes in The Lakes have enthusiastically hosted hundreds of Island children for a safe, friendly Halloween. Unfortunately, things are different this year, and each homeowner needs to weigh the balance between our historic hospitality and their safety and the safety of others. After polling our community, it appears that a significant number of homes are not able to participate in trick-or-treating. So, if you are considering trick-or-treating in The Lakes or surrounding neighborhoods, we ask that you follow a few common-sense steps:
- Observe CDC guidelines and wear effective masks and do not crowd in the streets or in doorways
- Homes that are not participating will turn off lights, block driveways, provide signs or take other steps to let you know. Please walk on by.
- As always, we will have an off-duty policeman at the entrance to ensure that only residents’ vehicles are allowed on the streets after 4 pm. All others should park off-site.
- We are not able to conduct a food drive this year, so please consider making a donation directly with Youth and Family Services or drop a grocery cash card in the utilities box at City Hall.
We wish our community the best and very much look forward to hosting Halloween 2021.
NEW! KCLS Presents: Navigating American Higher Education with Your Children
Tuesday, November 3, 7:30-8:30pm
Presented by Kate Wang, VP of International Partnerships at MyCOS.
The higher education system in the United States is very different from the higher education system in China – and it is also changing, particularly during COVID-19. Many commonly held assumptions about how to apply and be admitted to competitive universities are partly incorrect or simply untrue.
Join us for an overview of the American higher education system and how the admissions process works for different types of college, as well as information for parents on how best to support their children. Kate will draw from her experiences with the American education system, as well as her familiarity with the Chinese family and educational context. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Harvard University and is fluent in English, Mandarin and French.
Click here for more information and registration.
Click here for the Facebook event page.
*Mercer Island High School PTSA (MIHS PTSA) and the Mercer Island School District have neither reviewed nor approved the programs, personnel, activities or organizations announced in these flyers or websites. The participants agree to protect, indemnify, and hold harmless the district and MIHS PTSA, including elected and appointed officials, employees, agents, staff and volunteers, from any and all claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or rights of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this information and or flyers should not be considered a recommendation of the programs by the school district or by the MIHS PTSA. These are neither school district nor MIHS PTSA sponsored activities.
For additional news, please click on What’s New on our website, where you can scroll through all of our news posts.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 7
- Tuesday, March 11
- Friday, March 14
- Tuesday, April 1
- Tuesday, May 27
- Saturday, May 31
- Wednesday, June 4
- Sunday, June 8
MIHS News and Info
Senior Class Information
- Events, Activities & Deadlines
- Senior Hoodies
- Cap/Gown
- Yearbook submissions
- Grad Yard Sign
- Graduation Leis
- Baccalaureate
- Senior Photo Fest
- Grad Night Party
and much more....
College Prep Information
- Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
- College Application Process
- College Connection Resources
- MIHS College Counseling & more!
Parent Education
Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.