MIHS PTSA News – September 19, 2021
9/12/2021 3:29 pm
What’s New This Week!
PTSA News and Announcements
LEADERS NEEDED: Staff Appreciation Volunteers
We really want to keep the amazing staff at MIHS encouraged throughout the year. They definitely deserve our wholehearted thanks for serving our students amidst a myriad of challenges. The PTSA is in need of a couple of leaders to oversee our Staff Appreciation efforts as well as additional volunteers to support and work alongside these leaders. If willing, please contact Bob Do and Christine Nakano at outreach@mihsptsa.org.
Parent Advisory Committee nominations
MIHS Principal Kelly is looking for parent representatives to join the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). PAC meetings will be held once a month. Find out more information about the PAC HERE. Nominate yourself or another parent HERE. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, September 22nd.
PTA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI):
Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15, 2021 with these local events and recommended reading list for all ages via King County Library. For more information on our PTA DEI committee view here.
Parent Edge
Supporting Re-Entry – Middle and High School | Monday, Sept. 27th | 7:00pm
This program is part of the MI Parent Edge & MIYFS “Parent Support Series” and is intended for parents of students in middle and high school. MIYFS Counselors will share information and answer questions. Topics include:
- Expected behaviors during the transition back to a (somewhat) normal school year.
- How to support your child in rekindling friendships and socializing.
- Helping your child build stamina to prepare for their return to school and activities.
- Bring your questions for our MIYFS counselors for the Q&A session!
Register and get more information on other Parent Edge events.
Information for MIHS Seniors and Senior Families
Caps and Gowns Orders and Yearbook Submission Information is found on our “Fall Tasks for Seniors” page.
- Caps and Gown Order Deadline is October 2, 2021
- Yearbook Senior Portraits Due December 17, 2021
- Grad Ad Submissions are Due February 18, 2022
Remember you can also check the Seniors tab on the PTSA website for more information.
Mock SAT/ACT Tests
MIHS PTSA provides 6 testing opportunities as a chance to practice a real test, become familiar with a testing environment, and help identify which testing platform is best for each individual student. All this in a ‘Mock’ situation where tests are not recorded or submitted to any high school or college organization. This is a perfect chance to ‘try out’ these tests.
Learn more about the Mock SAT/ACT tests offered by the PTSA.
Candidate Forum October 12th
Who will represent you the best? Be Ready for November 2nd! Do you have any questions you would like to ask the candidates? Send us your questions before October 12th. We are looking for volunteers comfortable using zoom features to help during the Forum. Please submit questions or interest in volunteering to advocacy@miptacouncil.org
WS PTSA Legislative Delegate Opportunity
October 23rd-24th I Virtual Format
Deadline for interested delegates October 10th
Please consider joining us in October for the WA State PTA legislative assembly to help us determine our focus for the upcoming legislative session. For the second year in a row, the event will be held virtually. If you are interested, please send an email to advocacy@mihsptsa.orgby October 10th.
At the legislative assembly, you will discover the power PTA has to advocate for the success of every child – the whole child. In PTA every member has an equal voice, and your input matters a great deal to me, and to the success of our grassroots member-driven platform. PTA is needed more than ever right now, and you can help.
The Washington State PTA legislative platform is a two-year platform to mirror the Washington state legislative cycle. On the even-numbered years, the new platform is voted on by members at the legislative assembly in the fall. The top five issues become our short-term platform and consist of our priority issues when advocating throughout the year. Other issues are placed on an “also supported” list.
Delegate Information Guide
Voters’ Guide
President’s Letter
Dear MIHS families:
Happy Sunday! We hope you and your families are settling into the school groove and getting used to the new pace of homework, sports, band and extracurricular activities. It’s a lot of activity after a year of remote learning and if your kids are coming home exhausted, you are not alone! The District has put together some very helpful information to help families stay up to date and continue to navigate Covid and its effects this year. A few helpful links: Here is the Superintendent update from the September 9th Board meeting. This FAQ document is continually updated. You can see an updated status of Covid for all MI Schools on the MISD Covid-19 Dashboard.
Your MIHS PTSA is here to serve your children with support and programs, and we humbly ask that you PLEASE join us in our efforts and Join PTSA and/or Donate to our annual Fundraising Campaign. In joining PTSA you enhance the learning opportunities of EVERY student at MIHS. PTSA funds school enrichment activities at MIHS in every shape, size & flavor. Joining PTSA is the best way to say “Thank You” to your student’s teachers and we do this on your behalf all year long!
Here’s a brief sampling of what we fund:
- Student and family directory
- Regular weekly newsletters keeping you up-to-date
- $40,000+ in classroom enrichment grants
- Parent education on important topics like coping with stress, pressure to succeed, youth suicide prevention, talking with kids about alcohol and substance use, and how to make youth sports a positive experience
- College Night Lecture Series
- Staff appreciation lunches & student appreciation events
- Courtyard renovation
- Classroom supplies for teachers
- Reflections art program
- National College Fair field trip for all juniors
- And so much more…
Joining PTSA also allows you the opportunity to volunteer with MIHS programs throughout the year. With so many amazing events happening all year long, we need your help! Thanks to those who have already signed up to volunteer! If you still want to sign up, you can do so through Membership Toolkit (once you have logged in to your account in the Toolkit, select the Back to School packet, which includes Volunteer Opportunities).
Senior Parents: Please join the MI Class of 2022 Parents Facebook group to stay in-the-know, join discussions, and share with other Senior parents!
The deadline for Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) nominations is this Wednesday, September 22nd. The PAC is a group of parents from each of the four grades levels who meet with Principal Walter Kelly each month to discuss issues and concerns among parents and school administration. PAC members are chosen based on an application and review process by the Principal. Would you like to serve on this committee? Nominate yourself or another parent HERE.
A few upcoming events:
- Monday, September 27th – Parent Edge Presents Supporting Re-Entry (HS), 7:00pm
- Wednesday, September 29th, On Wednesday, September 29 from 5 to 7 pm MIHS will be holding its second annual Virtual Curriculum Night. The details of this event will be sent out in the next two weeks, but we wanted to share this information with you now so you could mark your calendars for this online event.
- Thursday, October 7th, District New Families Event at 5:00pm. Virtual webinar style event introducing different community organizations.
Go Islanders!
Maria Alberto and Debbie Burke
MIHS PTSA Co-Presidents
Schedule This Week
Click here for the MIHS Daily Schedule.
Principal’s Updates
Read Principal Walter Kelly’s August 20th letter which includes information about the upcoming school year, including bell schedules.
MIHS Counseling Center
Click here to read the September 2021 Newsletter.
MIHS Wrestling Team is looking for your support!
The MIHS Wrestling team is running a fundraiser to raise money for their new uniforms. This fundraiser is 100% online, you order the sheets and they are shipped directly to you. MIHS Wrestling Uniform Fundraiser. Spread the word and share the link with friends, families and community members. Thank you, MIHS Wrestling appreciates your support!
Community Opportunities
Mission InspirEd
Hurry! Fall classes for Mission InspirEd are coming to you! Mission InspirEd will be offering free classes for elementary and middle school students. Classes will start between October 4th through April 10th. They have qualified instructors, teaching topics ranging from Introductory Medicine to Coding in Python! Sign up before October 3rd for their weekly sessions. Learn more at missioninspired.org/classes.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 7
- Tuesday, March 11
- Friday, March 14
- Tuesday, April 1
- Tuesday, May 27
- Saturday, May 31
- Wednesday, June 4
- Sunday, June 8
MIHS News and Info
Senior Class Information
- Events, Activities & Deadlines
- Senior Hoodies
- Cap/Gown
- Yearbook submissions
- Grad Yard Sign
- Graduation Leis
- Baccalaureate
- Senior Photo Fest
- Grad Night Party
and much more....
College Prep Information
- Mock SAT/ACT at MIHS
- College Application Process
- College Connection Resources
- MIHS College Counseling & more!
Parent Education
Free admission is a benefit of PTA Membership! We sponsor speakers and discussions across a variety of parenting and child development topics that are timely, thought-provoking and practical. For events dates and more details go to MI Parent Edge.